Why Is My Airsoft Aeg Shooting to the Left

Why Is My Airsoft Aeg Shooting to the Left

read through this to help with the disassembly (note: I merely googled "STAR M4 disassembly" and it came up as one of the first couple of hits)
http://world wide web.airsoftcanada.com/showthread.php?t=75501

You'll note that the hopup is locked into the mechbox (which is a common Star thing). It makes it a flake of a juggling human activity to accept autonomously.

Things to bank check:
1. with the hopup+inner barrel out...look downwards it from the chamber end and see that the nub is centered. As you lot arrange the hopup, the nub should stay centered and merely beetle more or less into the butt. Rotate the inner barrel just a bit and gently (or you'll crack parts of the hopup) to go information technology centered. If information technology doesn't look fifty-fifty, so y'all might desire to disassemble the hopup and check out the nub and the rubber to come across if everything looks adept and isn't torn/mangled.
2. If your inner barrel is aptitude you'll get wonky shots...rare, but it tin can happen, specially if some 'tard tossed this gun together. Same with nicks/gouges/dents. Gotta swap inner barrels if this is the case. Great time to really clean the barrel out in case there's gunk caked in information technology.
3. The inner barrel might be straight...but not in line with the outer (the outer might exist crooked on the receiver every bit well). Hopefully information technology's non so lousy that it's clipping the barrel. Yous can assistance center the inner with the outer by wrapping a bit of record effectually the inner barrel...or putting on a o-ring if you lot can get one to fit (sometimes you lot tin run into if information technology's way off center past looking downward the cage end...just brand sure your bombardment is unplugged outset!!)
4. Are you getting the velocities you should be? If you're shooting really weak it might shoot simply merely be going 100fps.

If that'due south all expert...then information technology should exist shooting straight. 20ft isn't far enough for the hopup to kick in (35-twoscore'+)...but y'all should be able to become your sights close. Put the hopup on half mode (that's just a wild ass guess because there's so many variables)...if you get a jam (i.east. it shoots and sounds deadened) drop the magazine, dorsum the hopup off a bit and dry fire the jam out.

Does your rifle fifty-fifty shoot a tight-ish group? Regardless of point of impact vs. point of aim...does your burglarize put sequent shots in some predictable blueprint? If it's placing shots randomly in the area the size of your hand at twenty' forget trying to sight in and accept a meliorate expect at tightening up the grouping first.

If you are aiming right...you're looking through the peep rear sight and tin can "run across" the post up front. Y'all shouldn't be able to see the peep rear sight...since it's so close to your eye and you're looking at the front mail...information technology should just be fuzzy with a nice clear spot in the heart. The peep rear sight volition naturally center your middle. You should be able to see the tip of your front post conspicuously...if it'due south blury, reposition your head until yous can see it. The target will be fuzzy too. Alternate focus betwixt the post and the target.

Aim the tip of the post to the center of your target....at 20ft a solid black dot the size of a tooney is piece of cake to see. If you're near bullheaded ...then apply a drinking cup to draw a circumvolve and color information technology in...simply then aim for the six o-clock lesser of the circle for a better aiming reference point. If you're all shaky at holding a rifle or yank on the trigger...a expert improvised rest is a regular armless chair with some rolled upward towels on the seat. Ideally yous desire to be able to aim, shoot the rifle (thankfully there'due south no recoil with AEGs and then yous don't have brace that) and adjust the sights without disturbing the position of the rifle. This sounds like shooting fish in a barrel just it'south not. With an AEG, once it'due south aimed yous don't even need to be touching anything merely the trigger when you shoot it.

Aim at center. Shoot 3-5 shots. Where does information technology impact? If it's "low and to the left"...then arrange your rear sight to the right. Over accommodate...and if it'south too much you'll have a sense for how much to move it dorsum after yous have 3-5 more shots. At 20' you should be shooting nice tight-ish groups...you should be able to clearly see the "center" of your grouping.

If you've really got your rifle "benched" then you should exist able to gently adjust your rear sight and encounter the POA motility over to be inline vertically with the POI of the group that y'all just shot. Non as easy to practice with iron sights, but not besides hard to do with optical sights. With a good setup, and a very accurate burglarize yous should exist able to have i shot and then adjust windage/elevation to put your POA over the POI....and the next shot should be very close to the first one. Simply airsoft AEG stuff is rarely that accurate/repeatable.

Don't arrange both windage and elevation at the aforementioned time...just exercise one or the other. Group shooting to the left (Bespeak of Impact...POI) of point of aim (POA) then move rear sight to the right. POI is to the right of POA, move rear sight to the left.

In one case you've got windage ready...so work on superlative. Screw the front postal service in (make it lower) to raise the POI...POA is still eye of target. Unscrew it (brand information technology taller) to lower POI. At 20'...you'll probably want to set your POI well-nigh 1-1.five" in a higher place your POA....then readjust it once yous can get outdoors and set the hopup and rezero your sights...just it should be at least close then.

If you've maxed out the windage of your rear sight and information technology'south still way off to 1 side or the other...take a look under the forepart sight and see if there is a little grub screw. Loosen it and rotate the front sight a bit (looking from the rear of the rifle...tilt it to the right to shift POI to the right...and vice versa). Even with the two cross pins, there should be a little flake of play. Actually you might be best off centering your rear sight and doing this first to get close.

If you lot've maxed out your elevation and are going to stick with fe sights...then your options are to:
one. Switch front sights and hope for the best
2. Remember some other aiming point on the mail (i.e. the top of the threaded section)
three. Grind down the postal service (sometimes it'south better to grind down the bottom of the threaded portion and other times it's better to grind downwards the mail...and sometimes it's meliorate to do a bit of both ends...use your sentence).

Once more...if you're outer barrel is really cockeyed on your receiver adjusting your sights is simply going to be a pain in the ass. Looking from the superlative, the outer barrel should exist in line with the centerline of the receiver...and from the side it should run in line with the eye of the barrel nut. A proper metallic straight edge that'due south a couple of anxiety long works to meet this...or a long piece of string if y'all tin jig it upward correct. Or...depending on your "eye for things" you might be able to tell straight from crooked by but looking at information technology.

And then...all of the above and probably a agglomeration of other things could exist causing it to shoot depression and to the left.

Best of luck, promise that helps,


Why Is My Airsoft Aeg Shooting to the Left

Posted by: beemanagettold.blogspot.com

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